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Alle rechten op het materiaal in deze website alsook het design zijn eigendom van de Ravenwerkgroep Nederland of BEAran Systems, tenzij anders vermeld . Het mag dus op geen enkele manier elders gebruikt worden of vermedigvulgd danwel gekopieerd. Als materiaal, onder voorwaarden, wordt opengesteld voor gebruik dan wordt dit specifiek aangegeven onder  Creative Commons (CC) condities. Als dit het geval is dan is dit te herkennen aan het CC logo.


CC BY-NC-ND Ravenwerkgroep NL, yyyy*             (*=year of publication)

Copyright by BEAran Systems

Media is made available under creative commons attribution conditions

ShareAlike 4.0 license (International)




A word about the material presented in this website

All material presented in this portfolio/website is licensed under strict copyright, unless otherwise stated, and may not be copied or reproduced in any form. Some of the material we've attributed under Creative Commons (CC) conditions. When this is the case you can find the CC logo connected with the material. When you want to use any of it you have to contact and inform us about this, you can do this here, and credit the work as follows:



CC BY-NC-ND Ravenwerkgroep NL, yyyy*             (*=year of publication)

Copyright by BEAran Systems

Media is made available under creative commons attribution conditions

ShareAlike 4.0 license (International)




Unless specifically stated otherwise all pictures, the Ravenwerkgroep logo and webdesign are owned by either the Ravenwerkgroep Nederland or BEAran Systems. All rights are reserved. Please contact us if you have any questions about this.

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